
Depression Therapy

A number of people undergo depression and anxiety attacks sometime in their lives so it is important that we should be familiar about what is depression therapy to help us overcome such feelings. These therapies do not use drugs as some psychotic drugs have negative side effects with the patient.Many fear that something is mentally […]

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Signs Of Teenage Depression

One of the hardest phases in one’s life is between the ages of 10 to 19 years old so this is when signs of teenage depression usually manifest. This is the period that the teener would think that he is already grown up but yet he has to suffer the strictness of his parents. He […]

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Major Depression Symptoms

Major depression is also known as clinical depression, major depressive disorder, unipolar disorder and unipolar depression. It is manifested by low self-esteem, worthlessness, and disinterest and loss of pleasure from activities that are enjoyable. Depression is a debilitating disorder that affects the overall quality of life of a person and that of his family as […]

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Varying Signs Of Depression

Every person undergoes depression sometime in their life and the signs of depression manifested vary from person to person depending on the degree of his depression. Some are mild and some are severe. Sometimes they can be manic and sometimes depressed. If one is sad, or cannot sleep, or cannot eat; some other depressed person […]

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How To Spot Manic Depression Symptoms

In the family, one cannot really anticipate when mental illness will catch a member of the family so it is important to spot manic depression symptoms to help the member of the family. Manic depression is known as manic-depressive disorder or bipolar disorder. This is because there are two opposite sides to the illness. They […]

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Child Depression And Cure

Every family would want the best for their child and child depression is the farthest thing from their mind. Parents are hopeful for their children and they love them very much. But what happens when child depression is noted in a child? In these present times, there are increased cases of child depression noted. It […]

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What You Need To Know About Pregnancy And Depression

It is sad to note that one out of seven women experience a sort of depression and there is a connection between pregnancy and depression. It can vary between slight to acute depression depending on the mental strength of a woman. The factors that can trigger depression in a new mother are The stress of […]

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The Road To Depression Recovery

Many people went into depression one time or another in their lives and they have also found the road to depression recovery. It is now estimated that one out of five people underwent some kind of depression in their life. They might range from mild to severe. With the fast-paced world we now are in, […]

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Help For Depression The Natural Way

Statistics say that one out of five persons experience depression at one time in their life and that there is help for depression that can be done without medications. Depression ranges from mild to severe. If you only have mild depression, nevertheless, you still have to get help for depression so that you can get […]

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